I am happy to share that I am nominated as one of the 25 finalist in the Frans Lanting Award 2014. The theme of the competition is "Where the land meets the sea". My picture of the Californian "posing" sealion was nominated by the jury and the announcement was done live in the RTL4 Late Night Show last Wednesday.
Amongst the 25 photos a wide diversity of images is present, although in most of them the sea plays an important role. I am happy that my image was selected by the jury and hope that my pic becomes one of three winning pictures (for the first three there is a price given by the jury). The biggest honour however would be to be published in the National Geographic Magazine, as I have been a longtime admirer of the quality of images and articles published in the magazine. So fingers crossed!
Until 26 November there is time to increase changes to win another price. The image with the most public votes wins a photoworkshop with Frans Lanting himself. If you can, follow this link to the National Geographic website and vote for my image!
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