As of this week my new article has been published in the Dutch Duiken Magazine. I am especially happy with the inclusion of relevant information on the illegal use of Fish Aggregation Devices in the Costa Rican waters. This is a serious issue which affects a myriad of wildlife in the ocean.
I partnered with Greenpeace in getting the message across using my pictures from our ocean safari and their Infographic. As a photographer and writer for dive and travel magazines I think it is important to inform the public not only about the beauty of the wildlife, but also document the atrocities happening in our oceans. In general we do not do enough to take care of our oceans and continue to act like as if it is a limitless resource and dump for all of our trash.
Thanks Greenpeace for letting me use the infographic to complement the message to Duiken's readers. I think this case shows how NGO's and photographers go well together bringing the message across. Hopefully step by step the mindset of people will change as they become more informed.
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