Wat een feest was de Wilde Noordzee premiere, waar we ook het Wilde Noordzee boek voor het eerst konden aanbieden.

After the premiere, the book!
Northsea Nature Untamed premiere
The Dutch premiere of the Wilde Noordzee / Northsea Nature Untamed movie is close now.

Picking up where the government stops..
Out of sight does not mean our garbage magically disappears.. That is true for our garbage on land and even more so for our garbage on the seafloor.

Zoe trash - results of the first week
The first week of the "Duik de Noordzee Schoon" expedition 2020 has been successful, though impacted by heavy winds.

Picking up MSC Zoe trash
While we knew in Spring already that it was going to be a different year than others, it turned out to be a very interesting and in some respect also disappointing summer.<

Zafar in Duiken magazine
Although the story of Zafar's travel and initial rescue ended very positive, it did ha

Zafar - the outlawed dolphin - visits Amsterdam
Recently a 3m bottlenose dolphin has made the headlines in the Netherlands.

Looking forward!
While spring has begun here's a little reflection of the time past and the time to come.

On Stage!
Upcoming Thursday I will be doing a presentation at the Gooise Onderwatersport Vereniging in Hilversum, tickets are still available (presentation in Dutch)!

Whale of a publication in Duiken Magazine
Recently our latest article has been published in Duiken Magazine.

Our plastic mess
We all know it by now.
We all have heard about the plastic soup, but for some it is quite an abstract phenomenon.

Whaling in the Azores
Our trip back to the Azores has come and gone so fast! It was so great to be back on Pico to meet up with old friends and new.
Apnea Special
Sandy got interviewed for an Apnea Special in Duiken Magazine recently.
The magazine is out in stores now!

Featuring in a commercial!
There was not a lot happening recently here, but that does not mean me nor Sandy have been sitting idle.
Bahamian Beauties in Duiken magazine
I am happy to share the publication of our article "Dolphins of the Bahamas" in magazine DUIKEN.
Pick up your hard copy in stores now!
Sealions in trouble
During our stay in Canada it became clear that it isn´t only fun and games for the sealions.
Steller Sealions
I am happy to share that images of our time with Steller sealions have been published in the media recently.
Plastic for World Wildlife Day
Traditionally on World Wildlife Day I would post a fancy pic of some charismatic marine wildlife to celebrate this day..

Shutterstock publication
Shutterstock recently asked me to put in a few words on underwater photography and creating images of sharks underwater.

Training for the deep
Usually my dives on one breath are not deeper than 15 meter.
I encounter most of the big marine life that I photograph in that region.

Cover of Duiken Magazine
Happy to see my image of a very curious pilot whale on the cover of Duiken magazine!

Latest article out in Duiken Magazine
In the latest Duiken magazine our article about Reunion and its Shark Crisis was published.

National Geographic publication
I am happy to share that National Geographic chose my image to accompany a write up on the conservation work of Planeta Oceano's director Kerstin Forsberg.

Peruvian giants in DUIKEN magazine
I am happy to share the publication of our article "Pioneering in Peru" in magazine DUIKEN.

The freediving "Imps of Darkness"
Dear Charles,
When you set foot on the Galapagos islands in September 1835 you noticed the interesting wildlife and the diversity amongst the animals.

Duikvaker has come and gone
The yearly Dutch diving fair "Duikvaker" has come and gone.
It was great to catch up with friends, fellow (free)divers and underwater photographers.

Of NorthSea castles and seals
The NorthSea traditionally is one of the most overused and overfished seas in the world.

Freediving Galapagos
The Galapagos islands are a dream destination for many people for obvious reasons.

Peruvian giants
Recently we've been in the far North west of Peru hosted by Planeta Oceano. This NGO is working with the local communities to protect and research the biggest Manta rays in

Mobula Japanica on CITES
Some of my Mobula images have been used during this years CITES meeting in Johannesburg.

NorthSea expedition video
Below a video I've put together with some drone footage of the Northsea expedition.

Salt & sweet summer dives
While summer arrived and the next big trip was still months away some extra dives in the Netherlands were on schedule.

New article out in Duiken
I am thrilled to share that another article was published recently in Duiken magazine.

North Sea south expedition 2016
Recently I took part in the southern Duik De Noordzee Schoon expedition.

Dutch shark teeth
Have you ever found fossilized shark teeth?
What about finding them in the Netherlands?

Behind the Dutch Dunes
Spring is in the air.
Lots of new life is born and temperatures will be warm again in the Netherlands.

Crise Requin on Reunion Island
On april 2015 Elio Canestri, a 13 year old French surfing talent, lost his life due to a tragic shark incident on Reunion Island.
Caught in the act with Mobula Rays
A few months ago I got caught up in an interview for a NatGeo Wild show that aired worldwide on TV last week (bad pun intended).

Breakfast with the dolphins
The seas around Reunion island are home to an interesting variety of cetaceans.

Visiting Mafate; going back in time...
Before we embarked on our trip to Reunion island I contacted Aurélien Meynieux, one of the top surfing talents of Reunion.

Tagging sharks in the Netherlands
Travelling all over the world to see and photograph sharks and other big marine life sometimes makes me a bit blind to our Dutch wildlife.

Freediving in Nemo33
Recently we visited Nemo33, one of the deepest pools in the world, for some freedive training.

The mangroves of Bimini
The location of our stay on Bimini was perfect for afternoon snorkling sessions in the mangroves.

Stingrays and reefsharks of the Bahamas
The waters off Bimini are home to many types of fish amongst which Caribbean Reefsharks and Southern Stingrays.

The dolphin dance of Bimini
Although the Great Hammerhead sharks are the latest claim of fame to the Bimini dive industry there is more to be seen..

Stop! Hammertime...
Every once in a while I get caught by images of certain aquatic wildlife.

Presentation Duiken readers Event
I was invited to speak at a readers event from Duiken magazine last saturday. I had a great time and enjoyed the presentations of the other photographers a lot.

Workshop with Frans Lanting Oostvaardersplassen
As part of winning the Frans Lanting award I was invited to join a photo workshop with Frans Lanting in the Oostvaardersplassen.
Winning the Frans Lanting Award 2014
I am super thrilled to announce that I have won the National Geographic Frans Lanting Award 2014.

Freediving with blue sharks
Blue sharks are in my honest opinion one of the most beautiful sharks in our seas. The blue shade on their backs and the slender elongated bodies are aesthetically perfect

Black manta at the Socorros
The Boiler is the hotspot at the Socorros for diving with the biggest Manta Ray species in the world, the Manta Birostris.

Diving the Islas Revillagigedos
One of the main highlights of our trip through Central America was our (first ever) live-aboard trip with the Nautilus Explorer to the Socorros.

Interview Duiken
I got interviewed by Duiken Magazine because of my nomination as a finalist in the National Geographic Frans Lanting award.

Hunting for Mobulas
After our great trip to Magdalena Bay we backtracked to La Paz. The rough weather had calmed down and the sun was shining.

Frans Lanting Award 2014 Competition
I am happy to share that I am nominated as one of the 25 finalist in the Frans Lanting Award 2014. The theme of the competition is "Where the land meets the sea".

Cover of Dive Magazine
My image of a Californian sealion was featured on the cover of the October edition of Dive Magazine lately. It did not look bad at all if you ask me!
Conservation article out in Duiken Magazine
As of this week my new article has been published in the Dutch Duiken Magazine.
Gray whales of Mag Bay
While we continued our stay in Magdalena Bay it seemed the gray whale season was in full swing already. We could see the whales breach in the opening of the bay every day.

Finalist SOSF photography grant competition
I am happy to announce that I was one of the 10 finalists in this years Save Our Seas Photogr

The sealions of Isla Santa Margarita
During and after the whaleshark adventure windspeeds increased, making other trips on the Sea of Cortez impossible.

The whalesharks of La Paz
We made the journey from Costa Rica via Mexico City to la Paz in a day. On the peninsula of Baja California the second part of our trip would start.
The Sloths of Costa Rica
Arrived in Cahuita we had a strawl through town to check out what was happening. Not much was happening in Cahuita..
In and out of Panama
We left Drake by boat and bus and headed for the Panamanean border. The border crossing took us ages.
Jungle safari in Corcovado
We did two daytours into Corcovado national park which did not dissapoint us at all. They were awesome.

New article published in Duiken Magazine
It took a while before it was finally published, but the article in the March edition of Duiken Magazine came out recently.

The friendly Dolphin phenomenon
While doing some research on dolphins to write an article for Duiken Magazine I learned that Dusty is not the only friendly dolphin out there.

Irish Spring wonderland
After the long winter we all expected spring to arrive during April and May, however even in these months there were only a few nice days to be enjoyed.

Cover of Duiken Magazine!
Hurray! My first ever article is coming out in the March edition of Duiken Magazine in the Netherlands.

A humpback whale encounter
Forget the migration of the wildebeest on the plains of the savanna.

Travelling Mozambique can be a painful experience..
Getting around in 3rd world countries like Mozambique is a wicked experience, but sometimes hard and painstakingly slow.

Zavora: where the Humpback whales sing..
While drinking a cold coke on the porch in Zavora we saw whales jump and slap their fins on the water's surface in the bay.

Sailing the Bazaruto archipelago Day 2
Day two of our dhow safari started off with a beautiful sunrise over Bazaruto island. A great warming-up for the day to come and a wicked scene to be spectator of..

Sailing the Bazaruto archipelago Day 1
After our wicked stay in Kruger National Park we flew out of Nelspruit into the fishing village of Vilankoulos in the northern part of the Inhambane province.

The dolphins of Ponta do Ouro
After our stay in Umkomaas it was time to set out on the long drive to Mozambique.