After the long winter we all expected spring to arrive during April and May, however even in these months there were only a few nice days to be enjoyed. The consequence was that the water temperature has been low for a very long time. This year we experienced hail and freezing temperatures still while we were diving with sepia's last year on the 4th of May. This postponed my return to the water as well. Despite these temperatures we went for a trip to Ireland, more specifically on the West coast of Ireland in County Clare.
We were looking forward to the Irish scenic coastline, enjoying guinness and meeting up with our friends George and Kate. It was two years ago when we met them for the first time on the beautiful Pico island of the Azores. George and Kate were telling stories about their friend called Dusty, a friendly dolphin they used to swim with in the cold Irish waters. Stunned by the pictures the talented George was able to create with his two models (Dusty and Kate) I was sure that if we would get a chance to freedive with Dusty as well we for sure should take it. With a bit of luck we might even see a glimpse of the elusive basking shark, which frequent the Irish waters as well during spring time. The weather however was against us. When we arrived in Ireland there was a lot of wind; spin offs from a storm raging in Greenland. This weather stuck with us for a few days before settling later in the week. We made the most of those days by driving along the coast, taking in the cliffs of Moher and Loop Head and we even made it to Dublin for a day.
During the drives through the Irish countryside we were amazed by the "feel" this country had. The emerald waters, steep cliffs and the green fields combined with the old ruines and castles were just mindblowing. The weather, although quite windy, was not too bad as well. Everyday there was a shower at some point, but it would not take long before it stopped and even the sun would come out every once in a while. Ireland is very much the embodiement of the great outdoors if you ask me.
Further inland we encountered a region straight out of the movie Lord of the Rings with fairytale like forests, complete with cascades and waterfalls. The drive through the National Park close to Killarney was special and ended with a visit to a beautiful waterfall in the midst of a lush green forrest. Something I did not expect to find in Ireland.
Torc waterfall was only a 300m walk from the Kenmare road and provided for an excellent photo opportunity in addition to the images from the coastlines. There had been quite a few showers so the waterfall must have been at its best and standing 20 meter tall not a small one as well!
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