Recently we've been in the far North west of Peru hosted by Planeta Oceano. This NGO is working with the local communities to protect and research the biggest Manta rays in the world; the Manta Birostris.
After the discovery of a population of giant mantas off the coast of Tumbes the manta got national attention in Peru, which in turn led indirectly to its nationwide protection starting from 2016.
Before we embarked on our trip to Reunion island I contacted Aurélien Meynieux, one of the top surfing talents of Reunion. Auri is a longboarding champion. He represents France and Reunion in particular in the international longboarding competitions. Longboarding is a much underestimated form of surfing compared to the popular shortboard or big wave surfing, if you ask me. We checked out Auri ride his board in the waves off St. Gilles and Sandy took this picture. He makes surf look easy. Trust me, it is not...
Recently we visited Nemo33, one of the deepest pools in the world, for some freedive training.
Nemo33 is located in Brussels, Belgium. The pool consists of different segments. One of the segments in the pool is 10 meters deep. The shallower part of the pool has a depth of about 5 meter. The deepest section of the pool is a whopping 33 meters deep, for which Nemo was named the deepest pool in Europe.
Although the Great Hammerhead sharks are the latest claim of fame to the Bimini dive industry there is more to be seen..
For years the Spotted dolphins have been star of the show at the dolphin grounds off Bimini. They are known for their interactive behavior and that's what we were after as well.